Frequently-asked questions by tag

How can I find a Medicare-assigned store to purchase an upright walker?
August 26, 2021 – Medicare-assigned retailers agree to charge the Medicare-approved price for their products, and can't bill you for anything more than your… Read more

What does it mean if your doctor doesn’t accept assignment?
July 3, 2021 – Q: What does it mean if your doctor doesn’t accept assignment? A: If your doctor doesn't "accept assignment," (ie, is a non-participating… Read more

How does a doctor’s participation in Medicare affect reimbursement?
May 14, 2020 – Medicare reimbursement refers to the payments that hospitals and physicians receive in return for services rendered to Medicare… Read more

Will all doctors accept my Medicare coverage?
May 13, 2020 – Q: Will my doctors accept my Medicare card? A: Q: Will all doctors accept my Medicare coverage? A: The answer depends on what type of… Read more